


Last weekend we roadtripped to Dallas for a wedding (mostly an excuse for play time).  It was a welcome reprieve from Houston, and I have to say,  I’m now pretty fond of the Dallas / Fort Worth area.

Fancy French Toast, pool play, and the first snow cone of the season reminded me that there is summer life outside of work.

And I must say that I'm quite the spoiled thing.
There I was, thinking we were going to use our Saturday afternoon to tour Cowboy stadium (a great thing to do)....but my friends surprised me by taking me to the Kimbell Art Museum.
I was astounded at the quality of the art museums here in Texas. I was privileged to see some of the greats 

Rembrandt, Velasquez, Poussin, titian, Caravaggio, El Greco, Matisse, Braque, Picasso, Monet, Manet, Delacroix, Caliebott, Cezanne, Van Gosh, Jacques Lois David, LeBrun, Watteau, Chardin....
Like a child in a confections shop, I was.  


They were wonderfully patient. What other 23-year-old men would willingly submit to an afternoon full of paintings and a little blonde freaking out as if on crack and chattering a million miles a minute about the "pyramidal composition utilized in this Venetian style painting by Titan, a structure that started during the Renaissance..." etc etc etc.

 What a blessed girl am I.

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