

should I be offended that He doesn't think I can handle it??

Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it.

I want to let you know that I know something.

Anything difficult in my life stems from my own flawed humanity.  I certainly have nothing else to blame for any heartache or mistakes.

I've been blessed with an incredible family and great health.  I've never wanted for money or love or devoted friends. I've been involved in school, toted a suitcase or two, and I have a religion that means the world to me.

I was thinking on this the other day. Where exactly does my turn of hardship come in?  Where is my trial by fire?  Sometimes -- those few and far between moments where I remember to stop being a half-wit and be grateful for all I have -- I realize I have it too good.

And boy, does that put the fear of God in me.  Not that I'm keen on the concept, but don't most people have this.....this lot in life they must overcome?   How will mine come?  In the form of leukemia, or having a child lost in an accident, or an ugly divorce?

Who knows.  Maybe all, perhaps none.  That's the horrifying yet electrifying intrigue about the future.

As for now, I offer thanks every day for the good life, plead for forgiveness for the things I mess up, and pray for the strength to withstand future fires. 


i [kind of] joined the party.
but not really because I'm 2/16.

1 comment:

It Started With a Wink said...

I feel the same way and keep wondering and thinking of horrible things and then praying really hard anything but that, maybe that's my problem, I need more problems?? Oh dear...